About Us

USDA Capital Corporation buys the guaranteed portion of USDA guaranteed loans directly from the originators of those loans. We may position the loan and hold it until maturity or we may participate the loan to other qualified end purchasers who buy government guaranteed debt. We work closely with originating banks to structure loans and to take advantage of the current market trends.
Our President and Founder Dean Chittenden will be personally involved in every transaction to assure the seller a seamless transaction. His breadth and depth of experience is extensive, having managed over 1,500 deals during his 30+ years in the finance industry.   Dean has represented many large lenders, guiding them on structure to get the most from specialized asset and liability management programs.
Mr. Chittenden developed the first Internet competitive bid program for SBA and USDA loans sold at competitive sell.  AcuBids.Com led the industry until the market correction in late 2008. As the leading Internet competitive bid site AcuBids developed back office analytics that are still used today.
Our number one goal is to help lenders optimize profitability by assisting clients with the structure of guaranteed loans allowing us to pay some of the highest prices in the secondary market. Our method is simple; we pay higher prices than our competition.
Though probably not at the forefront of a loan officer's mind, it's important to consider what a guaranteed loan's future value might be. Call us for a free quote or assistance with structuring the loan to achieve the highest premium.

  • Business & Industry (B&I Loan)
  • Community Facilities (CF Loan)
  • Farm Service Agency (FSA Loan)
  • Rural Energy for America Guaranteed Loan Program (REAP Loan)

History of USDA.US.com